L900 Software | Edinburgh Instruments
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L900 Software

L900 Software

The L900 software package is our laser flash photolysis (transient absorption) acquisition and analysis software.

This fully comprehensive spectrometer software provides spectrometer control, performance monitoring, transient absorption and emission decay data, time-gated spectra acquisition and data analysis.

Product Description

A variety of different measurements and correction methods are available. For example, if the probe shutter is programmed to be closed during the measurement then normal time-resolved emission measurements can be made. If a measurement sequence is made with alternate switching between probe shutter open and probe shutter closed then the result is a measurement of transient absorption which is corrected for emission.

The data acquisition dialogue boxes allow the direct import of data captured with the digital storage oscilloscope whilst in kinetic mode. Data averaging can be made either within the oscilloscope in order to make effective use of high repetition rate sources, or the data can be transferred to the computer memory and averaged there.

At the end of a measurement sequence, the raw data is converted into optical density data.

The L900 software package offers a comprehensive library of data analysis routines, including 1- to 4-exponential and reconvolution fits, analysis of growth and decay kinetics.

The following analysis features are available in the L900 software:

  • Computer-controlled operation of all excitation sources, laser shutter, probe shutter, monochromator wavelengths and monochromator spectral band width
  • Full control of all relevant oscilloscope settings (LP980-K, Kinetic mode)
  • Full control of all relevant ICCD settings (LP980-KS, Kinetic & Spectral mode)
  • Time-resolved absorption and emission spectra using data slicing (using photomultiplier)
  • Absorption and emission spectra , kinetics via data slicing (using ICCD Camera)

For a full list of features and tools of the L900 package please see the specifications tab.

Technical Specifications

Measurement Modes Control Features Data Manipulation and Display
Measurement setup Wavelength / slit control ΔOD calculation (automatic and manual)
Single kinetic measurement:
– Transient absorption
– Laser-induced emission
Grating selection Arithmetic (+, -, x, /, append)
Multiple kinetic measurements:
– Transient absorption
– Laser-induced emission
Pump laser flashlamp trigger Scaling
Time-Resolved Absorption Spectra (TRAS) Pump laser Q-switch trigger Normalise
Time-Resolved Emission Spectra (TRES) Probe source pulse current Baseline subtraction
Stop-flow mode for use with optional stopped flow accessory Pump and probe shutters Smooth
Oscilloscope trigger (K mode) Data slicing – TRAS
Oscilloscope time base (K mode) Data slicing – TRES
Oscilloscope voltage scale (K mode) Full data reconvolution using non-linear least square fitting routine
Signal offset (K mode) 2D, 3D, Contour plotting and text
Time shift / delay (K mode)
ICCD gain (KS mode)
ICCD gate delay and gate width (KS mode)
ICCD temperature (KS mode)
Optional temperature controlled sample holder
Optional cryostat mounting
Stop-flow synchronisation