XVI Edinburgh Instruments Annual Steady State and Time Resolved Spectroscopy Conference
Edinburgh Instruments’ Annual Steady State and Time Resolved Spectroscopy Conference will be held in Wuhan, China, from the 9th-13th November 2018, with users and invited speakers from all over the world.
The conference will feature sessions on all topics relating to Photoluminescence, covering theory, latest developments, practical measurement and analysis, new research trends, and related areas. The talk schedule includes a number of invited distinguished Professors and Research Leaders sharing their latest research , results and advice, as well as Edinburgh Instruments’ CEO, Dr. Roger Fenske, and Head of Development at Edinburgh Instruments, Dr, Dirk Nather.
Following the conference, Edinburgh Instruments and our local partners, Techcomp, would like to invite you to spend two days exploring the culture and sights of Hubei Province with us and our guests, where we will visit an outdoor theatre, mountain resorts, horse riding displays, and a variety of ancient and cultural sites.
For more information, or to check availability, please contact our Photonics Sales Manager, Johnny Bray at johnny.bray@edinst.com, or Techcomp China at techcomp@techcomp.cn.