CMD29 | Condensed Matter Physics | Perovskites

CMD29 2022 | Edinburgh Instruments to Sponsor


August 21 – August 26, 2022

Manchester , United Kingdom

We are pleased to announce that Edinburgh Instruments will be sponsoring the 2022 CMD29 Conference in Manchester between 21st and 26th August.

CMD is a large international conference covering all aspects of condensed matter physics. The conference is organised by the Institute of Physics and is returning to Manchester, who hosted CMD-2, after 39 years.

Manchester and the United Kingdom were expressly chosen by the CMD Board of the EPS and the IOP in order to affirm our common commitment to pan-European collaboration in scientific research and in condensed matter physics in particular.

If you are interested in finding out more about the mini-colloquium that we are sponsoring, then please visit the CMD29 website.

Find out more about CMD29  2022

If you are interested in attending CMD29 2022, please visit the official website for more information. Registration for the event will open soon.