The RMS1000 is built with flexibility in mind. A choice of excitation lasers (internal or external to the system) and associated laser rejection filters (both edge and notch) are available. Additionally picosecond pulsed diode lasers (EPL series) can be added if fluorescence measurements are required.

The RMS1000 can be fitted with both standard and long focal length spectrographs. This allows the system to be configured for ultimate spectral resolution, maximum optical throughput, low wavelength and ultraviolet spectral ranges, or for highly sensitive measurements.

A choice of CCD, EMCCD and InGaAs detectors are available with a maximum of 4 detectors being integrated per system. For fluorescence lifetime measurements, single photon counting detectors can also be integrated.

The RMS1000 uses either an upright or inverted microscope platform which is compatible with all standard microscopy applications.
Brightfield, darkfield, polarised light, differential interference contrast (DIC) and fluorescence accessories are all available. A large choice of high-quality microscope objectives, high-performance visualisation cameras, collimators and illuminators can be added to the microscope at any time.

Manual or motorised stages are available. The motorised stage allows automated XYZ Raman and fluorescence maps to be obtained and generated through Ramacle. Autofocus and heating/cooling of samples is also available.

Other accessories such as a polarisation kit, cuvette holder, and a Class I laser safety enclosure are also available to further expand the capabilities, flexibility and safety of your RMS1000 system. Coupling to other fluorescence spectrometers is also possible.