Edinburgh Instruments to Sponsor The 35th Gibbs Conference on Biothermodynamics | Edinburgh Instruments

Edinburgh Instruments to Sponsor The 35th Gibbs Conference on Biothermodynamics

On September 25 –  28 Edinburgh Instruments are delighted to announce that we will be sponsoring the 35th Gibbs Conference on Biothermodynamics 

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The Annual Gibbs Conference on Biological Thermodynamics started around 1986 and ever since then it has taken place annually at the Touch of Nature Environmental Center in Carbondale, Illinois.  Participants of this conference share one thing in common: a passion for understanding the thermodynamic forces that govern macromolecular interactions.  And so it is that every year, scientists from various institutions gather at nature filled campgrounds near Little Grassy Lake to discuss the folding of macromolecules, linkage theory, conformational changes, ligand binding and many other topics united by the common interest of understanding these processes to a fundamental level, applying physico-chemical principles to biological systems.


This years Gibbs Conference will take place virtually, via Zoom. You can discover the full conference program on their website, as well as details on how to attend the 35th Gibbs Conference. Visit the Gibbs Conference website and fill out the application form on Google Forms.