Edinburgh Instruments Attends Biophysical 2020
Edinburgh Instruments were delighted to attend the 64th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society held in sunny San Diego, California. This long-standing meeting is the largest Biophysics conference in the world, attended by thousands of researchers every year. Over 500 talks and 2,000 posters were presented at this year’s edition which covered a wide range of topics such as membrane dynamics, nanobiology, protein structure, and advanced microscopy techniques.
The Edinburgh Instruments team participated in the exhibition showcasing a range of photon-counting fluorescence, transient absorption, UV-Vis, and Raman instrumentation. Fluorescence spectrometers from Edinburgh Instruments offer a range of options that are especially suitable for Biophysics research, such as Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC), coupling to microscopes, plate reader and stopped flow accessories.
It was not all work, though. After the exhibition, there was some time to visit San Diego and enjoy the lovely weather, which is a rare thing in Scotland.
To find out how fluorescence spectrometers can be used in Biophysics research, please contact us or subscribe to our mailing list for infrequent application notes.