Silver Nova - UV/Vis TE-Cooled
- 190 nm – 1110 nm
- High efficiency UVN sprectrometer
- Resolution 1.0 with 25um slit
- Highest Sensitivity for low light applications
- TE Cooler for 65% increased S/N at long exposures
- UV enhanced CCD detector with optical lens assemblies
- Plug & play with Windows XP/Vista/7/8
- High Speed USB-2 interfaces
Product Description
The Silver Nova is a high performance spectrometer with a ruggedized metal enclosure including a fiber optic input for demanding applications in the 190 nm – 1110nm wavelength range that require high resolution and optimal sensitivity over a wide spectral range .
The Silver Nova is the most well rounded spectrometer choice allowing research grade results for numerous spectroscopic applications.
The spectrograph employs composite grating technology to deliver high efficiency in both the UV and NIR spectral extremes.
The UV enhanced CCD detector with integrated TE cooler, gain enhancements, and optical lens assemblies allow for unparalleled sensitivity, with over 65% increased signal to noise at long exposures.
Advancements in Silver Nova optical design deliver 1nm resolution with a 25um slit.
Additionally, the metal enclosure is ruggedized and compact to allow for portable, process, or laboratory environments.