Edinburgh Instruments Supplier GDPR Confirmation.
As a supplier of Edinburgh Instruments, we need to know that you are GDPR compliant in line with new regulations from 25th May 2018. Please confirm your compliance by completing the form below:
New data protection legislation is due to come into force during May 2018, which aims to protect the privacy of all EU citizens and prevent data breaches. It will apply to any public or private organization processing personal data.
Established key principles of data privacy will remain relevant in the new Data Protection Legislation but there are also a number of changes that will affect commercial arrangements, both new and existing, with suppliers. The new General Data Protection Regulations specify that any processing of personal data, by a Processor, should be governed by a contract with certain provisions included.
In addition, we will be updating our procurement documentation to reflect the new regulations for contracts to be awarded on or after 25 May 2018. Any organization required to comply with the new Data Protection Legislation may incur costs in doing so, especially where new systems or processes are required. However, these costs are attributable to conducting business in the EU.
If you would like to know more about the changes, the Information Commissioner’s Office is a useful source of information on the new regulations (ICO Information on GDPR).