The 6th Edinburgh Instruments Products User Meeting
Techcomp (China) Limited were pleased to host the 6th Seminar on Steady State/Lifetime Fluorescence Spectrosocopy in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China from 9-13 November 2018. In tandem with this, Edinburgh Instruments ran a Product User Meeting. The events proved extremely popular with in excess of 100 industry experts and scholars in attendance and more than 126 research papers and 26 articles presented.
Ms. Zhang Hairong , Vice President of Techcomp China, Dr. Roger Fenske, CEO of Edinburgh Instruments, Dr. Dirk Nather, Head of R&D, Edinburgh Instruments, UK, and Mr. Zhang Xuan, Spectroscopy Application Engineer, Techcomp China attended the seminar and user meeting.
Ms. Zhang Hairong delivered the opening speech and gave an overview of Techcomp and the further development of UK based Edinburgh Instruments since its acquisition by Techcomp in 2013. By focusing on scientific research, service industry innovation and caring for human life, Techcomp manufacturing in scientific instrument will continue to strive forward.
Dr. Roger Fenske also gave a presentation about the products and services offered by Edinburgh Instruments.
During the conference scholars and experts from across China were able to provide presentations on their research work. Participants included:
- Professor Yang Chulu, Wuhan University
- Professor Su Shijian, South China University of Technology
- Professor Wu Dayu, Changzhou University
- Zhang Zhijun, Shanghai University
- Wang Xiang from Xiamen University
- Professor Ma Ying, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- Mr Ma’en Senior Engineer of the Institute of Rare Earth Materials, Xiamen Institute of Rare Earth Materials, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Associate Professor Ma Jiani, Northwest University
- Professor Zhang Qun, University of Science and Technology of China
- Senior Engineer, Chen Mingxing, Analytical Testing Center of Peking University Associate Professor Qin Haiyan, Zhejiang University
- Professor Li Zhen, Wuhan University
At the same event, Dr. Roger Fenske, Dr. Dirk Nather and Mr. Zhang Xuan introduced their latest research Hot Applications in Steady-State Transient Fluorescence, Latest Applications of Transient Absorption Spectroscopy in Various Research Fields, Introduction to High-End Accessories and Coupling Applications as well as new products.
Questions and answers were conducted throughout the presentations and experiences of using the instruments were shared with the audience. Attendees were also able to visit poster presentations during the breaks.
At the meeting, Techcomp China took part in a signing ceremony with Xiamen University to establish a scholarship award, expressing the will and determination of Techcomp (China) to help scientific research.
A total of 126 research papers were collected and presented in this event. Distinction, Excellence and Premium papers were awarded according to their influence, relevance to Edinburgh Instruments and the total number of articles. In addition, 26 poster presentations were collected and exhibited during the user meeting and proved popular with participants. An award was also given to the poster which best supported the work of Edinburgh Instruments and Techcomp China.