"Application and Analysis of Novel Luminescent Materials" Seminar, Taipei, Taiwan 18 April | Edinburgh Instruments

"Application and Analysis of Novel Luminescent Materials" Seminar, Taipei, Taiwan 18 April

GIS NTU Convention Center

B1F., No.85, Sec. 4,
Roosevelt Rd., Zhongzheng Dist.,
Taipei City 100, Taiwan R.O.C.

Conference Outline

Hosted by Edinburgh Instruments, a series of talks covering ‘Applications in Fluorescence’ and ‘Applications in Transient Absorption will precede a special lecture from Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at National Taiwan University, Professor PT Chou; a world renowned expert in Ultra-Fast Chemical Phenomena, Molecular Spectroscopy and other related fields. This event is open to all members of the public.

There will be a discussion time after each talk, and a fluorescence spectrometer, the FS5, will also be available during the seminar, for live measurements of samples and demonstration. Please bring along any test samples, either spectral or transient, to try our system. Spectral ranges up to 1700 nm and lifetimes down to ~150 ps are possible on the model to be demonstrated, for liquid, powder or thin film samples.


If you are interested in attending this event or would like more information, please contact Johnny Bray or Revia Chen – rt@rightek.com.tw