Ramacle Software | Edinburgh Instruments | Raman
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Ramacle Software

Ramacle Software

Ramacle is an exceptional software package written for complete instrument control and data handling on Raman systems. Ramacle controls all Raman microscope functions with a straightforward design concept. It focuses on all modern Raman spectroscopy applications, while at the same time, providing a user-friendly interface with ‘ready to publish’ outputs.

Product Description

The software provides control, visualisation, data acquisition, analysis and presentation of Raman microscopes whether it is used for generating Raman spectra or with advanced upgrades such as Raman mapping.

Ramacle enables sample visualisation, live signal monitoring and parameter optimisation before every measurement. The instrument status and signal are displayed and constantly updated during measurements.

Data generated by Ramacle have a proprietary file format. This contains all measurement and instrumental properties, allowing the user to retrieve important information whenever needed
and ensures data traceability. Simple input and output functions provide the required compatibility with third party data analysis or presentation packages.

KnowItAll™ Raman Identification Pro spectral library is available for material identification and advanced analysis. Data acquisition methods such as single measurements, multiple and accumulated scans, kinetic scans and generation of maps (accessory dependent) are implemented by intuitive and in user-friendly wizards.

Technical Specifications

Ramacle Key Features
Selection of laser and scatter optical pathways
Selection of excitation wavelength, gratings and exposure time
Sample and laser focus visualisation
Programmed attenuator and shutter
Single, accumulated and kinetic spectral acquisitions
Spectral correction
Selection and scans of internal calibration standards and automated calibration correction
Data operations such as arithmetic, scaling, normalisation and baseline subtraction
Cosmic ray removal, cropping, smoothing
Automated laser alignment
ASCII / CSV data import / export function
Paste options for presentations and publications

Ramacle Features Included With Upgrades
Mapping features – map setup, collection and data analysis
Fully motorised stage – XYZ control through joystick and software
Polariser and analyser selection and control
Detectors selection
Laser rejection filter selection
External camera selection and visualisation